Goodbye 2024! Hello 2025!
As we say goodbye to 2024 and hello to 2025, I must admit it's been an interesting journey. At least for me it was. Those of you who know me well know I started 2024 with quite a bang when I was rushed to the hospital on January 1st. Turns out I had a Pulmonary Embolism. What a way to start the New Year, huh?
2024 Wake-Up Call
I was hospitalized in Yorkton's ICU for 5 nights before spending the sixth and final night in a regular room. Gilbert took me home and I rested a few more days before returning to work. As eventual as this was, my 2024 medical adventure wasn't quite done yet.
I was told surviving the embolism was nothing short of a miracle. Most people don't get to be so lucky. After learning more about the embolism and the road ahead, I knew some changes needed to be made.
I also knew as I waited for appointments after the embolism hospitalization that I had Ovarian cancer. However, instead of fretting about it, I chose faith over fear. I had enough faith in Jesus to use what I considered a "wake-up call" to get me through.
Faith Over Fear
Honestly, fear never did factor in. Unfortunately, neither did much common sense. I ignored changing important dietary and lifestyle choices as I continued plowing forward with bad food choices and not much exercise. I knew I had a "cancerous tumor" in my body but chose to feed it even more than doing what was necessary to either shrink it or kill it.
That changed in June when reality hit home when I met with docs and techs to confirm what I somewhat knew all along. On July 15th, I was at the Pasqua Hospital in Regina to have the tumor removed. A full hysterectomy was performed on me to have the ovaries removed and take as much of the cancer out as possible.
As scary as the operation seemed, I wasn't concerned about it. I had enough faith I would come out of it just fine. Even if I didn't, I already knew Jesus had a place for me to go regardless. Either way, I was in good hands.
Fighting Cancer & Conventional Medical Practitioners
After surgery, I spent a few more days in the hospital before I was released. Before and during that time, I educated myself a great deal about cancer truths. This included accessing the information from Chris Beat Cancer. I can't stress enough how important it is for anybody wanting to learn more about cancer truths to meet Chris Wark and why he's such an inspiration to scores of people facing cancer scares of their own.
Also after surgery, I chose not to undergo chemotherapy and radiation. Obviously, it was met with opposition by the medical team and a few others. I had several reasons why I chose not to go with their advice. Chris Wark was one of them but so was my dearly departed best friend, Diane Schutz. Like Wark, she was diagnosed with cancer in 2003 and underwent surgery to remove as much of it as possible. Unlike Wark, she agreed to take the chemo and radiation, along with whatever medications the docs fed her.
After witnessing what Diane went through for nearly 5 years, I vowed if I ever had a cancer battle of my own I wouldn't take the same conventional treatments she did. Her Stage 3 breast cancer went into remission but shortly afterward she was diagnosed with "incurable" bone cancer and this ate away at her until there was nothing left. Diane went through hell until God decided it was time for her spirit to be rescued from her ailing physical body.
21 years later, I'm the one facing cancer and I made good on my promise. No chemo and no radiation. I also refused medication. Up to my official Ovarian cancer diagnosis in June, I was taking blood pressure-related medications. When I was asked to jump off some of them leading up to the surgery date, I went full throttle and tossed it all out. I haven't touched any of those meds since the surgery and I have no intention to go near them again.
Making Changes
I learned making better dietary choices and opting to spend more time on my feet than my ass was the better solution. It's a decision I don't regret and I feel the difference. Now, I will admit the past couple of months I haven't been as restrictive with my dietary regime as I was when I was first released from the hospital. This, however, is changing back as 2025 approaches.
I still won't go near carbonated drinks whatsoever and I stay as far away from any food item that's highly processed and has too much sugar. I've had the odd bite of something I shouldn't have but also careful not to go back to the unhealthy dietary pattern I was following for way too long. I've since steered away from this as I don't want to further hinder the progress I've already made in my cancer fight.
I've also switched from conventionally made hair and skin care products in favor of healthier options. In the name of profit, big brand labels cheap out with all of their products and have these sold to consumers who don't know any better. This is the real reason why cancer rates are spiking, especially among Western nations like Canada and the United States.
Making changes is necessary if you want to fight cancer or at least prevent it. This also applies to all medical situations, especially chronic ones. The problem with today's society is too many people consume, apply, and work with products that aren't nearly as healthy as they claim. We also live in a fast food world without thinking there's serious health-related consequences that come with that.
GIG Organics
In addition to steering away from unhealthy consumables, I've learned how to make products for myself that are truly healthy. This started with organic bath bombs and organic bath salts. I've also started making organically made bar soaps. Once word got out I was doing this, those closest to me witnessed the positive changes reflecting from my skin and hair.
Since then, I've been working on a solid GIG Organics lineup that can be sold online. For now, these products are exclusively sold via Pioneer Kitty Market's website and at localized trade shows in Saskatchewan, Canada.
2024 In Review
As 2024's calendar soon closes, I'm grateful God gave me the wake-up calls. I don't look at my medical situation as a strike against me. I look at it as a blessing. He gave me a much-needed dose of reality that I need to treat my body like a sacred temple instead of an amusement park. This means sticking with a dietary regime that's truly healthy. It also means favoring lifestyle choices that have a more positive influence on me, inside and out.
I look at my experience of 2024 as a testimonial that faith above fear works. So does common sense. However, none of it matters if I don't exercise enough action to prove how awesome God really is. Between the embolism, cancer, and other experiences, I realize the more I work with the Holy Spirit to move forward the better off I am.
What Are You Living For?
When I visited Chris Beat Cancer, I remembered he asked, "What are you living for?"
I answered it immediately. "I live for Christ and I live for love."
I remembered in scripture "the dead know nothing" (Ecclesiastes 9:5) and it stuck with me. While alive, I can communicate with God and be thankful for everything I encounter. This includes situations that aren't exactly ideal ones.
While dead, the communication ends. Although I don't fear death, I do fear isolation. Becoming isolated from Jesus, even for a short while, is too unbearable for me to think about.
Yes, I know I mentioned earlier I already know Jesus has a place for me. However, this doesn't change the fact I'd be dormant from the day of my physical death until the time comes when God welcomes all of His people home.
Love Matters
I also live for love. It's not simply for the love of Christ. It's also the love I have for people. Even though I don't always verbally express it, my heart continually reaches out to every man, woman, and child. I couldn't care less who they are or what their circumstances happen to be.
Naturally, I love those who are closest to me. It doesn't matter if we're in the same house as I am or live far away. Some of you I've met personally and I love you dearly. Others I've only met online but I love you just as much. Believe it or not, all of you are my reason for living.
2024's storybook will soon close. As 2025 opens up, I pray it has the best stories yet. When January 1, 2025, comes, I intend to celebrate it as a new storybook opportunity.