Pioneering Our American Future
Speaking as a Canadian citizen, I welcome the opportunity for my nation to become the 51st state as President Donald Trump proposes. Why? Because my country is broken beyond repair.
Team Trudeau
Before 2015, Canada was already in trouble but Stephen Harper managed to keep Canadians afloat. After the federal election resulted in Justin Trudeau becoming our next premier, I had hoped he would set a better example than his father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case. Instead, Canadians found themselves held hostage by a wannabe dictator. Since 2015, Trudeau has systematically dismantled everything that made the Canadian nation so great.
Going into 2025, Team Trudeau continues to put their pride ahead of the Canadian people. This is a toxic relationship that has brought nothing but turmoil to Canada's soil. It was bad enough between 2015 and 2019. It became much worse when Trudeau's Liberal Party and Jaghmeet Singh's NDP formed a coalition. Realizing he had a minority government, this was Trudeau's ticket to seize full control over an entire nation. Instead of respecting Canada's democracy, Trudeau and Singh chose to behave like dictators.
As punishment, the Liberals and the NDP constantly ignored the majority of the Canadian people. They also teamed up against the Conservatives on everything. These actions, plus the policies laid out by Trudeau and his goons, have turned Canada into a shithole. Team Trudeau's antics have been so bad that it caused newly elected POTUS Donald Trump to consider taking drastic measures to put an end to the madness.
Team Anti-Canada
Team Trudeau behaved more like Team Anti-Canada as every action it carried out went against the best interest of the Canadian people. Between money laundering schemes involving the carbon tax, funding the Ukrainians, and mass spending, our federal government has caused tremendous hardship among Canadians. More people than ever can't afford to get by anymore.
To make matters worse, mass immigration and increased crime have terrorized the Canadian people as the federal government chooses to do nothing about it. They also refuse to work with the American government to put an end to this madness. And this is partly why POTUS Donald Trump has decided enough is enough.
Making America Great Again
Donald Trump's quest to make America great again can't be realized if Trudeau's Canada stands in his way. If the Canadian government refuses to work with Trump then it only has itself to blame for Canada's demise. Already, the majority of Canadians believe Justin Trudeau and his Liberals are determined to destroy Canada at all costs.
For America to be made great again, Canada must become great again, too. However, that's not going to happen. Again, Trudeau and his WEF allies have already seen to that. They've plunged Canada into a deep pit that has no other way out than a miraculous rescue.
From where I stand, America is offering that rescue. So far, a few provinces are on board with this as they see the writing on the wall. As for the rest, they're drowning in a deep pit of denial that they can't even see straight. They're fast-tracking their demise with the determination to drag as many people down with them as possible.
Donald Trump's quest to make America great again also makes Canada great. People who pay attention and understand the bigger picture realize this too. I know I do. Merging with America saves Canada, even if it means it will no longer be recognized as a country.
Canada Was Never Free
Canadians who think Canada is an independent nation are mistaken. We are part of a Commonwealth that answers to a higher-up. This has always been the case. Canada never fought for independence from the Crown like the Americans did. To be honest, Canada is nothing more than another British colony. We may have our own currency, flag, and national anthem, but we're not technically a free nation. We always have to answer to the Commonwealth.
There was a time when Canada functioned as a great nation but that changed forever after Pierre Elliott Trudeau. It changed forever after Quebec attempted to break away from Canada because the people of that province saw what was coming. Unfortunately, legacy media and the Canadian federal government saw to it the Quebecois couldn't save themselves.
Now, going into 2025, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Quebec realize Canada is a sinking ship. While Trudeau and his so-called Team Canada wish to blame President Donald Trump, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, and Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe, the fault lands squarely on his shoulders. Unfortunately, his arrogance refuses to see this. The same can be said for all those who side with him instead of common sense.
Canada's Reality
Let's be real, folks. Canadians are held hostage by Justin Trudeau and Team Anti-Canada. Even after announcing his resignation, instead of calling for an immediate federal election, he has once again thrown Canadians on the back burner as he and his fellow Liberals continue to play politics.
He has put Canada on hold while POTUS Donald Trump is busy making America great again. The world is watching as Trump continues to steamroll his policies and put everyone on notice he's not holding back anymore. He's gunning after criminals and this includes forcing the likes of Justin Trudeau into a corner he can't get out of.
Make no mistake. Justin Trudeau and all those in league with him are criminals. They've committed crimes against humanity and domestic terrorism (treason) against the Canadian people. There's also drug trafficking, human trafficking, and money laundering to consider. Also, since Trudeau's government refuses to put an end to the madness it created this makes him and his goons accessories to every crime committed, including murder.
Americans & Canadians Working Together
Americans and Canadians see the bigger picture and know this is a union worth striving for. It's a win/win for both nations. Should Canada become the 51st state, it would save so many lives. Over 3/4 of the Canadian population support joining the Americans and I am one of them.
Trump's vision for America isn't just talk. There's solid action going into making it a great nation again. Can we say the same about our federal politicians right now? Not even the Conservative opposition led by Pierre Poilievre has taken such a solid stance against global elite corruption as Trump has.
I'd rather have Alberta Premier Danielle Smith become the governor of Canada as a 51st state. She has demonstrated more leadership than Justin Trudeau, Jaghmeet Singh, and Pierre Poilievre combined. I have more faith in Smith as she is the only one demonstrating common sense and fighting for a country even though so many hate her for it.