Millie's Ultimate Anti-Cancer Food Fight
On January 1, 2024, I was rushed into the hospital due to a medical incident called a Pulmonary Embolism. Thankfully, the will of God and the medical teams involved saw to it I survived the night. Five nights later, I was able to return home and go back to the realm of daily living.
However, I knew my fight wasn't over yet. I knew my body was telling me things weren't right. That was confirmed on January 2, 2024, when I had an ultrasound. It discovered I had an ovarian cyst. Without even having to say a word, I knew this marked the beginning of my fight against cancer.
Overcoming Sinful Addictions
Despite knowing my body was in trouble, I continued to follow a diet I knew wasn't going to help. I continued to consume fast food and junk food regardless. I was blatantly exercising all seven deadly sins as I waited for an MRI that took nearly seven months before things finally moved forward.
On June 18, 2024, it was confirmed I had a cancerous tumor in the ovaries. That was the day I finally decided to stop being so pig-headed. It was time to become focused.
Kicked to the curb (along with my pride) were some of my favorite items such as carbonated drinks, junk food, breads, red meat, and starchy items (like potatoes). At first, going Keto looked like the option for me as this particular diet has established a reputation as a better fighter against cancer than the concoctions modern-day medicine coughs up with.
Cross Referencing Benefits
Although Keto looked like a good route to take, I wanted to be more thorough. In the process, I learned about Chris Beat Cancer. I swear God himself was telling me I needed to dive into his story and how he overcame impossible odds.
He accomplished this without having to rely on chemotherapy to do it. My intent is to do the same. On his site, you'll observe scores of positive testimonials and why Chris Wark deserves your utmost attention.
Truth be told, the real battle mankind faces against cancer is the flurry of conflicting information mostly told by the people we've been told to trust the most.
Shocking Realities
When I went for my ovarian cancer surgery on July 15th, 2024, I was amazed upon waking up how little people knew about Chris Wark and his story. I was also disappointed to see the hospital's idea of menu choices.
One would think after 20 years' worth of valuable insight and information provided by the likes of Wark and many others that the medical profession as we know it would pour more focus on it. Unfortunately, they don't. Instead, they're running in circles with their so-called cancer research that hasn't done nearly as much as it should by now.
The number one issue I have against cancer researchers and facilities is following a poor dietary regime. Hospitals already have a bad reputation for serving bad food as it is. It's even worse when common knowledge has already established processed foods isn't good for the human body.
Real Food vs. Processed Food
We live in a society that's become way too dependent on processed foods. No matter what category you look at, the grocery aisles are loaded with items that have artificial ingredients. Those ingredients aren't there for your health benefit. They're part of a recipe to give the food item more appeal so you'll waste your money on it.
And unfortunately, most people do. Ever since the surge of processed foods, the population of unhealthy people are surpassing the population of the healthy. More people than ever are facing medical issues such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, and more. This is also seen in animals, both in livestock and in pets.
The Real Pandemic
Since the beginning of time, mankind has been plagued with a pandemic that has wiped out so many lives. That pandemic is called deception. Among bible believers, you're aware of the Adam and Eve story in Genesis. Satan deceived the couple to take a certain bite of a fruit that was forbidden to them.
Today, people are consuming "forbidden fruits" as a daily lifestyle choice. Now, sticking to dietary concerns as the topic here, those forbidden fruits we consume so eagerly are everywhere. Today, there are more mass food production factories than there are gardens grown in people's backyards. This is a shocking (and horrific) reality not enough people have clued in about yet.
And then there are people like me. I knew but I was in denial. For some reason, I thought it was okay to continue chomping down Big Macs and guzzling colas like it was no big deal. However, reality sure hit me hard in the face on June 18, 2024 when the doc confirmed I had a tumor.
Breaking Habits
Upon learning what I was about to face, I stopped the junk food run, cold turkey. I went to the grocery store and bought some of the most recommended food items based on Chris Wark's list. I wanted to get a jumpstart against my cancer before the scheduled surgery date of July 15th.
The jumpstart helped to a degree. Between my July 2nd cancer assessment weigh in and my arrival for surgery on July 15th, I lost six pounds. I knew kicking out the junk played a factor in that weight loss.
I also knew eating what I now dub as "Daniel's Diet" would play a factor in my healing process. However, this didn't come easy after I woke up from surgery. My first night's stay at the hospital met with a harsh reality that its menu has some serious flaws plaguing it. (Daniel's Diet is my reference to the 21-day fast he underwent, according to the Bible.)
Taking Control
For the first couple of nights at the hospital, I barely ate. I saw on my plate veggies from a can. There was no way I was going to eat that! I also wasn't interested touching food that I knew were all factory made.
The most comical experience about my situation was a suggestion I speak to the hospital's nutritional expert about my dietary concerns. If that person knew a thing or two about how diets really work, they'd know better than to push overly processed foods that have no real nutritional value at all. I knew I had to take my dietary concerns into my own hands.
The first step I did was write out a list on a piece of paper foods that are proven anti-cancer fighters. I also wrote out a list of foods that cancer-fighting patients should never consume. A couple of the nurses who tended to me were impressed with the list and took pics on their smartphones. By doing so, they also captured the Chris Beat Cancer link so they can look up the info I already knew.
Pushing Forward
Although not perfect, I did manage to convince the hospital's kitchen staff to give me fresh fruits and veggies only. I didn't want bread and I didn't want the Ensure products, either. When a product says natural and artificial that's a big red flag to stay away from it.
Artificial crap is what gave me the cancer, to begin with. Why would I want to shove that back into my body? Until I was released on July 19th, I remained vigilant with my dietary regime. Once I got out, I had to pass a Robin's Donuts. That was a cute challenge but I passed with flying colors. I wasn't remotely interested in their stuff as I wanted to get back to the dietary regime I started.
Once I got home, it was going back to the supplement I was told to avoid as of July 2nd. The supplement I was taking at the time was Turmeric. Turmeric is one of the spices mentioned by Chris Wark and other cancer survivors as a wonderful cancer fighting ingredient.
However, Turmeric and supplements alone won't save the day. They help, but it's a combined effort of key dietary ingredients and a smart eating plan that works for you and your body.
Exploring New Territory
As much as I found Chris Wark's information handy, I also realized I'm not him. I am Millie Zeiler. I am my own person as God designed me. Some of the ingredients Wark favors I can't have. I also like my dairy products.
What I've done is switch who I buy dairy products from and how much of it I consume. I stick with organic choices, now. And, it's only milk and eggs I'm buying for now. I won't touch the rest.
The Giant Cancer-Fighting Salad by Chris Wark is awesome but it's too much for me. However, it did steer me back to a dietary regime I once followed. It's called juicing.
Prior to surgery, I already threw myself on a juicing diet after visiting Wark's site. I made up my own recipes, using most of the ingredients from his salad concoction. I've also made a point to play with different combinations I know I can consume without inspiring gag reflexes. (Kale as a food item is very difficult for me to eat so it's now through juicing and powder so I can get that into my body.)
We've Only Just Begun
My post-surgery is met with a few question marks as I embark on my own cancer-fighting journey. The biggest is what will the medical team tell me based on the pathologist's results. I was told I had 2 cancers instead of 1. We already concluded one of them was Stage One. We don't know about the fate of the other just yet.
However, I'm a woman of faith. My belief in Gold Almighty is unwavering. I already know he has my back as I take on this battle. I credit Him to leading me to Chris Wark. I also credit God for having certain people in my life I know are real difference-makers.
I will keep everyone posted as I embark on this cancer-fighting journey.