Introducing GIG Organics
Exclusively sold through Pioneer Kitty Market, GIG Organics highlights the "Green is Good" as an important core to its business model. GIG is also an acronym for "God is Good" as it is He who has blessed us all with gardens that are key to our health and well-being.
There is a growing demand among consumers wanting healthier alternatives to cleaning agents, dietary concerns, and personal hygiene. GIG Organics is committed to adding its catalog of goods to a market that deserves their health and wellness concerns to be as toxic-free as possible.
Why GIG?
GIG started off as an acronym for God is Good. It later became Green is Good as it's founder realized the best source for health and wellness comes from God's garden. It doesn't come from big pharma nor the chemically drenched products it has to offer. Big pharma, along with the corporate giants in league with them, care only about population control and profit. Not once have they genuinely cared about people.
Clear evidence of this reality can be seen in the growing cancer rates, engineered news reports by legacy media, and widespread political corruption. In addition to the escalation of cancer patients and mortalities, other diseases and medical ailments are on the rise. This all comes from the conventionally produced goods we consume inside and out. This includes food, beverages, oral hygiene products, haircare, body care, and cleaning agents.
This sad reality doesn't just affect human beings. It's also evident in the animals, especially with livestock and pets. Animals born, bred, and butchered as factory meat are loaded with antibiotics and fed a diet that's not nearly as healthy as it seems. "You are what you eat" applies as much to them as it does to us. When the body is fed nothing but garbage then garbage is all that's going to come out of it. When you do the math, this outweighs the potential nutrient value we're all supposed to be getting.
GIG Organic officially started once it's founder was diagnosed with Stage 3 Ovarian Cancer on June 18th, 2024. Already, she was looking for healthier food products by this time but didn't factor in cleaning agents and hygiene products just yet. That changed after she learned about Chris Wark from Chris Beat Cancer. If you're not aware of this man and his story, then you need to educate yourself. Doing so will open up your eyes about the reality we're living in and why you need to be vigilant when it comes to your health.
Big pharma couldn't care less about you. Furthermore, the medical profession as we know it faces two unfortunate circumstances. The first is the lack of care and compassion that comes from administrative teams who blindly follow whatever they're told by corporate giants. They're instructed to put profit ahead of people and that's exactly what they do.
The second is the lack of proper education to treat their patients with the type of care they deserve. When GIG's founder went in for cancer surgery on July 15th, 2024, she was appalled to learn how out of touch her hospital was when it came to properly dealing with this life-threatening disease. The post-surgery food she was offered was anything but healthy. When she refused to eat it, they sent the site nutritionist to speak with her. By the time that conversation was over, GIG's founder thrashed the nutritionist with facts about how badly the hospital food lets the patients down. Instead of offering proper nutrition, all it serves is artificial junk and toxic ingredients.
GIG's Goals
Since the hospital visit, GIG Organics became an inspiration. It's founder focuses on producing genuinely healthy products people can consume as food, as well as apply as skin care products. At first, they were for personal use only. Now she's ready to offer her creations to the public.
As consumables, GIG Organics offers spice blends, pet food, and pet treats online. As skin care, it's bath bombs and bar soaps. These are easy enough to make and sell to a global market. Bread in a jar products, prepared meal kits, and sauces are products GIG Organics preps and sells to locals and trade shows only.
GIG's goals focus squarely on the production of natural and organic goods to the public. It's a quest to educate and supply consumers with healthier alternatives compared to most conventional products. In the long run, it also knows this becomes a cheaper option as it minimizes potential health risks that lead to medical issues - including cancer. Paying slightly more for healthy groceries and other products is a bargain compared to forking out big bucks on medical care and prescriptions.
God's Garden vs. Big Pharma
GIG Organics learned long ago the best way to avoid medical issues of any kind is to favor whatever comes from God's garden as-is. One of the biggest con jobs ever committed against mankind is big pharma's deception when it comes to what we apply and digest into our bodies. For too many years now, the general public is fed so much misinformation that they're mostly brainwashed into a line of thinking that works against them instead of for them.
This sad reality applies to absolutely everything. Whatever corporate bigwigs can use to dupe the masses with they'll do it. When the biblical scriptures point out "the whole world is deceived" this is not an exaggeration! Among the few that see the hoax for what it is, they're either ignored or silenced because it goes against the trends laid out by deceivers who are deliberately leading the public astray.
When GIG's founder learned she had cancer, she learned quickly the most effective treatment against it was steering clear from the processed junk conjured up by unethical manufacturers. She replaced all of it with organic and non-GMO groceries. These have a much closer resemblance to God's garden.
According to current statistics, the vast majority of medical issues didn't exist before big pharma and corporate bigwigs tampered with mankind's food supply. This is especially obvious among Western nations such as Canada and the United States. And it's a reality that won't improve as long as big pharma and corporate greed continues to put profit and population control as their two most important reasons why they do business.
Accessing GIG's Products
GIG Organics and Pioneer Kitty Market work together as a team. GIG's products can be found on PKM's website as it has its own page. It's the only outlet online to access its product line, at least for now.
If you're wanting something healthier for you and your family, going organic and non-GMO is your best option. Steer away from the toxic junk sold by most big name brands, along with the big box stores who carry them. Ideally, you should buy from local producers who practice ethics before profit. They'll care more about your well-being than making a fast buck at your expense.
GIG Organics relies on a supply chain that mostly comes from local producers. It's location is in Saskatchewan, Canada. The farmers, gardeners, and producers inside the province are the first pick to access what's needed. From there, it's turning to neighboring provinces and the rest of the Canadian nation. With the focus strictly on natural and organic production, GIG only works with producers who do the same thing.